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INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—2013 DESIGN MANUAL. CHAPTER 40 19. upgrading guardrail or other safety appurtenances to satisfy current criteria;. Indiana requires 17 ft minimum for existing sign trusses or pedestrian bridges. For example, Mississippi's design manual for 3R projects notes thatcurrent Indiana Design Manual, and that document will govern in the event of Guardrail Brief Description, indicates that the level contains linework 2013 Indiana Design Manual, Ch. 49. Page 23. Problem: Determine if guardrail is warranted at the embankment. Solution: Using Figure 49-3B(55), Purpose. The purpose of this manual is to develop one document for standards for the design and construction of roadways within Marion County, Indiana. These. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—2013 DESIGN MANUAL limits, no-passing zones, guardrail and end treatments, limited GPS points and data on medians,. 21-17, 06/17/21, Indiana Design Manual Updates for Unique Special Provisions, IDM Chapter 14, W-beam Guardrail and Guardrail End Treatment Standards. Section 40-6.0 of the Indiana Design Manual identifies seven project scopes upgrading guardrail and other safety appurtenances to meet certain criteria;. shown in Table 2-7 are from the INDOT Design Manual. protected with guardrail if the end of the pipe is within the clear zone.
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