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Shelf temperature deviations shall not exceed the specification relative to the mean of the highest and lowest temperature readings. §. SP Scientific can The AdVantage Pro freeze dryer with Intellitronics Controller offers users the benefit of Ethernet communication and email options. Users can monitor their SP Scientific announces the AdVantage Pro - a new laboratory freeze dryer that combines development and pilot scale capabilities in a convenient bench top SP Scientific VirTis AdVantage EL Benchtop Shelf Freeze Dryer Capable of achieving ultra-low temperatures, the AdVantage EL's condenser can reach -85C while its AdVantage Pro BenchTop Freeze Dryer VirTis is one of the most established freeze drying equipment manufacturers in the world. Combined with FTS Systems, the The AdVantage Pro freeze dryer with Intellitronics™ Controller now offers users the benefit of Ethernet communication and email options. Overview. The SP VirTis Advantage Pro data acquisition and trending software was developed to meet the lyophilization requirements of today's pharmaceutical SP VirTis AdVantage Pro Freeze Dryer / Lyophilizer with Intellitronics Controller The AdVantage Pro freeze dryer with Intellitronics™ Controller now offersSP VirTis AdVantage Pro Freeze Dryer / Lyophilizer with Intellitronics Controller · Convenience of a tray dryer in a benchtop unit. · Intellitronics™ controller
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