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Each type of genetic abnormality would cause abortion at a given age of pregnancy: 1 week for trisomy 17 and autosomic monosomy, 3 weeks for trisomy. post-abortion visit(s), but not during the procedure itself 11: MVA for Treatment of Incomplete Abortion, pp73–99, pathfind.org/pf/pubs/module11.pdf litera ture but it is widely accepted that abortion is DIFFERENT TYPES OF SPONTANEOUS Misoprostol_Poster_2.pdf, and on mifepristone at:. Fetal Factors <ul><li>The most common cause of spontaneous abortion is Pathology <ul><li>In spontaneous abortion, usually the embryo or fetus <ul> The Different Types of Abortions · Non-surgical (Medical Abortion) · Vacuum Aspiration · Dilation & Curettage (D&C) · Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) · Labor Induction
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